Nikon LBCAST image sensor and image processing technology

Nikon LBCAST image sensor and image processing technology

Digital camera technologies are growing ever more sophisticated as they are called upon to handle enormous amounts of information at high resolution and at higher speeds. Nikon's own ultra-precision engineering such as the LBCAST image sensor and Nikon's own advanced image processing technology leads the field in offering solutions for today's digital needs. Click the links below for a detailed description of these technologies.

LBCAST JFET Image Sensor


This LBCAST sensor is developed using proprietary Nikon technology to combine high speed and high image quality with low power consumption. It is used in the D2H.

Nikon Image Processing Technology

This document explains how Nikon image processing engines have been developed to store images at ultra high speed and at the same time offering excellent colour reproduction and high resolution.

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